Government Engineering collage, Kishanganj is led by a group of Senior and Experienced administrators headed by principal of the college. The Administrator of college is led by following Authorities:-
1. Dr. Neeraj Kumar
(Principal Gec Kishanganj)
Email id:- [email protected]
2. Prof. Vikash Kumar
Acting Registrar
Email id:- [email protected]
3. Prof. Vikash Chandra Dinkar
Examination Controller
Email id:- [email protected]
4. Prof. Abishek Kumar Ravi
Academic Head
5. Dr. Sandeep Agrawal
Spoken Tutorial co-ordinator
Email id:- [email protected]
6. Prof. Vikash Kumar
HOD of Department Mechanical Engineering
Email id:- [email protected]
7. Prof. Abishek Kumar Ravi
HOD of Department Civil Engineering
8. Dr. Sandeep Agrawal
TPO co-ordinator
Email id:- [email protected]
9. Prof. Mukesh Kumar
Assistant Professor
Email id:- [email protected]
10. Prof. Niraj Kumar Nirala
Assistant Professor
Email id:- [email protected]
11. Prof. Rajeev Ranjan
Assistant Professor
Email id:- [email protected]
12. Prof. Md Nisar Ahmed
Assistant Professor
Email id:- [email protected]